Thursday 25 October 2007

Playing 'Properly'

Before Morls, Mr V, or any of my other fans get worried, don't be alarmed - I'm still raising with 83o! The 'properly' refers to my newfound determination to go for something approaching bankroll management... scary!

Basically, to cut a (very) long story short, the nice people at HSBC have given me a major financial boost this week after I decided it would be a good idea to talk to them about some stuff. This means I have a reasonable amount of money to spend playing poker from now on - normally this would mean I'd actually spend a massive amount of money playing poker. Those of you with sound financial skillz may notice the problem which usually ensues here.

No more! New tactics from moi.

The following are OUT: No cash games. (As entertaining as it is to drop £250 or so in a hand to Grospellier's cowboys, it can STAY as a once in a life time experience.)

No STT's. (My attention span is completely wrong for them - I tend to get bored at about the 5 or 6 player mark and bomb out on or near the bubble.)

No stupidly expensive MTT's, unless I can actually qualify through cheap sats.

From now on, IN:

Cheap MTT's. Maximum buy-in of $10 or £5 (plus fees) are okay at anytime.

'Bigger' games. Will play a maximum of one bigger game, not more than $30 or £15, per week (Monday to Sunday). That's MAXIMUM, meaning I won't necessarily spend Sunday desperately trying to find a £15 game for the hell of it. (People who have me on MSN are free to remind me of this!)

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